Always a Functioning Anarchy, India Risks a Slow Descent Into Madness

India is at a turning point in its evolution as a plural and inclusive society. The choices Indians make now would determine the country's future trajectory and its destiny among the comity of nations.

Ram Mohan Susarla
4 min readSep 12, 2024
Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

India faces perhaps the biggest test since its Independence and Partition in terms of convergence of social, political, and economic crises. With its economy in the doldrums, and its healthcare infrastructure found to be pitifully and worse, disastrously incapable of handling the brutal Second Wave, and with its politicians busy holding elections and pulling down governments, there are no dearth of crises that the country faces. Indeed, the term Functioning Anarchy, which Western media once used that to describe the country, is now back in vogue, looking at the present situation.

Worse, there seems to be no political will to tackle any of the problems that India faces, let alone the smaller and minor inconveniences that we, Indians have taken for as necessary evils in our everyday lives. Moreover, when society becomes a spectacle, where Digitally Mediated Notions of happiness prevail and where substance is sacrificed at the altar of instant gratification, means that the…



Ram Mohan Susarla

Writer seeking metaphysical fulfillment by publishing meditations and ruminations about the world.