Dusk Of Western Dominance!! Welcome To The Decade Of Decline As These Five Ds Spell Doom For The Reigning Deities

Ram Mohan Susarla
3 min readSep 7, 2024

Once “unthinkable”, the prospect of Western decline is now a mainstream obsession with numerous “pundits” pontificating on possible scenarios on how this would play out. My rather brief “take” is around the 5 Ds of Demography, Deglobalization, Decarbonization, Debt, and the Digital Age, or the “drivers” of decline over the coming decade.

Sunset on the West
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

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Is the West in decline?? Am I joking, you might say! Or, a knowing smirk on my face is a possible response. After all, how can an entire Judeo-Christian civilization spread across continents, arguably the greatest empire the world has ever seen be crumbling, is the bemused question? However, come along as I “walk” you through the Drivers of Decline, marking an end to centuries of White, Anglo-Saxon preeminence.


First, the obvious culprit!! An ageing West is a sagging power, unable to “grow” with the shrinking of the Demographic makeup, as there aren’t enough workers to meet an expansionary demand. Immigration is the self-evident answer, though the likes of Trump, BoJo, LePen, and now Suella Braverman would do everything and anything to keep migrants out! Indeed, this self-destructive “urge” lies at…



Ram Mohan Susarla

Writer seeking metaphysical fulfillment by publishing meditations and ruminations about the world.