Modi or Microsoft, A One Pony Trick Doesn’t Pay Off All The Time!!

Rammohan Susarla
2 min readJun 24, 2024


Consider this: When working with Citigroup, a Mandatory Leave ( or mandy as we used to call it) of Two to Three Weeks was strictly enforced, so that no employee becomes more “critical” than the “mission” itself. Similarly, the BJP just can’t ride on Modi’s popularity all the time, and the term “teamwork” should be the norm, rather than the exception.

After all, despite the self-professed claim to divinity, Modi came off the election as a distinctly human self, having “failed” in the quest for Ab Ki Bar, 400 Paar. As the title says, even Microsoft — which was a One Man show- learnt to live without Bill Gates, though, recently I came across a news report alluding to Gates’ “overweening” presence even now.

More so when an incredibly diverse and deeply complex country like Bharat or India — used deliberately as the former voted out and the latter “rescued” Modi & co. — is the prize to play for, there needs to be a “multitude” at work, rather than a media-created hagiographic narrative, revolving around “The One We’ve Been Waiting For.

Just for kicks, like in the movie Matrix, we, the viewers or the voters, are now realizing that perhaps “he” is not the One, after all. Before you jump at me, I’m not discounting the “incredible” work of the Karyakartas and the other leaders in the Sangh pantheon. Just that, a more nuanced narrative around Modi and a less “sound and fury” campaign could’ve worked towards realizing a simple majority.

Of course, I do understand that the “lofty” goal of 400 plus needed equally aggressive approaches and perhaps, this explains the “deitification” and the rather concerted campaign by all concerned. It is easy to be wise after the event, yet, wiser to have a well-rounded multi-leader campaign instead of relying on 2–3 “top” personalities.

Hopefully, we’ll see a more “mature” Modified BJP, than the obscenely obsequious grovelling that was paraded in front of us. Here’s to humility and reality, rather than humbug and realpolitik (of the extreme kind).

Originally published at



Rammohan Susarla

Writer seeking metaphysical fulfillment by publishing meditations and ruminations about the world.