Staying Sane in Dizzying Times

The “head spinning” pace of our world, driven by exponential change is leading us into a miasma of emotions, making it a challenge to maintain one’s sanity.

Ram Mohan Susarla
3 min readSep 11, 2024
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As the world spirals into a miasma of Uber speed change and accelerated events around us leave us flabbergasted, how do we stay sane when things change by the time one reads this sentence? Indeed, the Pandemic has been the spark that lit the fire of imploding world events. Like the humongous number of funeral pyres across the nation, what we are now seeing is a “bonfire of vanities” where hubris is having its comeuppance.

For long, we humans thought we had mastered nature and overcome pestilence and disease. However, whether caused by design or accident, the Coronavirus has been a curve ball thrown at us at a dizzying pace. More and more, it looks like not when we can “breathe easy” (literally and figuratively), but, if at all we can say the virus is behind us. Indeed, with all the variants and the strains, it looks as though we would be in a state of “permanent suspended animation”, much like the airborne aerosols carrying the virus that force us to mask up, even indoors.

So, how does one cope with the forced isolation and the solitariness of digitally mediated interactions…



Ram Mohan Susarla

Writer seeking metaphysical fulfillment by publishing meditations and ruminations about the world.