Rammohan Susarla
2 min readApr 14, 2024

Welcome To The FREE FOR ALL World!!!

BIG #breakingnews#breakingnews is that #iran#iran has attacked #israel#israel, ostensibly for the latter's targeting of its senior commanders in its famed Revolutionary Guards.

While everyone from #biden#biden and their dog has been "expecting" (or, should I say, "egging on" the #iranians#iranians to respond "in kind", the actual attack did take "them" by surprise. A bit of an #Oxymoron#Oxymoron as an unsurprising surprise is unfolding as I write this.

This development adds another layer of "insanity" to an already "crazy" #geopolitical#geopolitical situation #worldwide#worldwide. What with the #russians#russians "hellbent" on "pounding" the #Ukrainians#Ukrainians and #xi#xi saber rattling with #taiwan#taiwan, and the "key" next frontier, in the #southchinasea#southchinasea, and we're indeed hurtling ourselves at "warp" speed towards a #global#global #conflagration#conflagration of sorts.

What does this mean for the "aam" junta like you and me. First, there are no "rules" anymore, and next, it is everyone for themselves. Third, while not exactly a #blackswan#blackswan #event#event, nonetheless, #markets#markets wouldn't be spared, with possibility of #oil#oil "breaching" the psychologically important $100 a #barrel#barrel, and #currencies#currencies tumbling across the board.

Ergo, #hyperinflation#hyperinflation or atleast, a "sticky" #inflation#inflation, prompting ##centralbanks#centralbanks to persist with #higherforlonger#higherforlonger #interestrates#interestrates. Moreover, if #china#china enters the "fray" through "direct" intervention, and not "shadow boxing" which ##xijinping#xijinping is doing, then all bets are off!! Plus, the "worn-out" cliche, #uncertainty#uncertainty is the only #certainty#certainty, would be "stretched" till it frays.

Talking about fraying, personally, I expect the #socialcontract#socialcontract, the "invisible" glue that binds nations, societies, and people in a "web", sewed by predictability and the fabric of "trust," to tear apart sooner than later. While this may seem like fear mongering and doomsaying, let me remind you of the "situation" in the #world#world before the #secondworldwar#secondworldwar.

While the "wars" might seem "remote" to those in the "developed" #west#west, I can assure them with some #schadenfreude#schadenfreude that these "distant" happenings have a way of "morphing" from something on the #tv#tv screens by "lurching" out of the plasma and making their presence "felt" in all too real and here and now ways. Remember 9/11 and you would get the drift.

Perhaps the #enlightenment#enlightenment era philosopher, #thomashobbes#thomashobbes, was "right" in pointing out the "brutish" world, and the "nasty" existence of our "short" lives. Interesting to note that instead of another #Renaissance#Renaissance leading us to more "nobler" ends, the "means" we've chosen are driving us in the exact opposite direction. Amen!!

Photo by Pawan Kawan on Unsplash
Rammohan Susarla

Writer seeking metaphysical fulfillment by publishing meditations and ruminations about the world.