We’ve Been In The Grip of Snakeoil Salesmen Since 2016. And, We’re Paying The Price Now!

Ram Mohan Susarla
3 min readJust now

Brexit, MAGA, Demonetization, and the New World Order all have one thing in common: They are “sold” by “Snakeoil” Salesmen or Con Artists with the express purpose of deceiving the Average Joe and enriching the Rich Scrooges.

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Remember Brexit? With much fanfare, the United Kingdom was supposed to “take back” control from the European Union and chart its destiny a la neo-pax Brittanica! But, six years down the line, the British are worse off than before the referendum, with the cost of living crisis et al, adding to the notoriously famous “grumpiness” which many thought was a thing of the past. The only “winners” from Brexit have been the Bankers of the City of London and the Russian and assorted Oligarchs, ensconced comfortably in their walled-off villas.

Next, Trump! The BIG CON. He came to power, riding a populist wave, promising the faithful, that he would Make America Great Again, or the MAGA movement which would “liberate” the United States from the “grip” of “snooty” and self-serving elites, who in Trump’s words, had taken away jobs from the hinterland through offshoring and were responsible for the deep malaise afflicting the poorly educated. The result! MAGA folks are as worse off, or more, than before, and the biggest beneficiaries of Trumpism have been the…



Ram Mohan Susarla

Writer seeking metaphysical fulfillment by publishing meditations and ruminations about the world.